Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Week 11 database..

Finally I have reached at the end of this semester so this lesson is the last lesson. It’s about database and basically I learnt the basic usage of MS Access. Before access our lecture gave us some explanation about the database. A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be accessed, managed, and updated. In one view, databases can be classified according to types of content: bibliographic, full-text, numeric, and images.  A database management system (DBMS) is a software package with computer programs that control the creation, maintenance, and use of a database. It allows organizations to conveniently develop databases for various applications by database administrators (DBAs) and other specialists. Types of Database Models: The hierarchical database is based on the hierarchical data model but with records. The model resembles an upside down tree. The hierarchical database is viewed as a Parent/ Child relationship using ‘one-to-many’ relationships, The Network database was developed to improve short comings of the hierarchical database. The network database differed in a couple of ways. The network database uses one-to-many relationships, The relational database emerged around the 1970’s and is still a leading technology for database management, The object orientated database, models the elements as objects, which is similar to object programming. By designing object databases with the same language. So that is some information about database. In the class I also access the Microsoft access database that never use before. So for this semester I have learnt many things that are new approach for me. Lastly I would like to say thank you too much to my lecture for giving me the knowledge………………………..

week 10 web application...

This week was a normal Friday on the thirty of Mach. Three weeks before this we did not study in class so for that day I came to the again as usual. So this week I learnt about web application. In fact I use and expose it every day but I did not know what exactly web application is. So let I explore more details about web application.
A web application is any application that uses a web browser as a client. The application can be as simple as a message board or a guest sign-in book on a website, or as complex as a word processor or a spreadsheet.
What are the Benefits of a Web Application?
A web application relieves the developer of the responsibility of building a client for a specific type of computer or a specific operating system. Since the client runs in a web browser, the user could be using an IBM-compatible or a Mac. They can be running Windows XP or Windows Vista. They can even be using Internet Explorer or Firefox, though some applications require a specific web browser.
Web applications commonly use a combination of server-side script (ASP, PHP, etc) and client-side script (HTML, Javascript, etc.) to develop the application. The client-side script deals with the presentation of the information while the server-side script deals with all the hard stuff like storing and retrieving the information.
The next step our lecturer gave more details and we focused more on web application 2.0. A Web 2.0 site allows users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media. This one we can easily approach it in our daily life and I believe that nowadays people are using them. For examples, Facebook, Twister, blogger and wikis, and so no. That’s all for this week……………………thank you……………………..

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Week 9……………… Google sites

In the early Friday morning we were gathering at AIU library on the third floor with our lecturer. When everybody sat down our lecturer started to begin the class. Usually she started with Assalamualaikum and very good morning to everyone and also recites Al-fatihah. This is a very good way to begin the class. For today I felt something unusual because this time the environment was not like in class as there was no whiteboard or projector. It is something like we were going to have a conference. Suddenly our lecturer asked everyone to find a group which is must not same member with the previous one and one group must have three members. First I thought we are going to play some game but it is not actually. For this time we were given new project about creating Web sites with Google sites. So our lecturer gave us guides study how to create the web sites. I felt quite lazy in the first time when I heard the news. Anyway I have to do it finally and if I think positively I will get benefit from it. So for my group we decided to create the Web site about AIU pencaksilatclub and we will do our best to create it. For who interested AIU penccaksilatclub you can visit our Web sites as the link below:

Ok that’s all for this week …Do not forget to visit the Web sites you are welcome….bye

Friday, March 23, 2012

Week 8

Now I have already past haft of this semester the time is flying meanwhile, I am walking. Normally I sleep at night and get up in the morning this is how is the life going on. So what the point of living is to get the better day than yesterday. Anyway when I look back to myself I always asking myself that am I doing my best to day?.
So in this week as I said at the last post our class has some problem so we cannot use it. In this we moved to G8 class in foundation building. So this week I was late coming class again. It was embarrass when everybody was looking at me so I just smile to all my friends and say good morning.
          When everybody was in the class our lecturer started to teach us as usual. She didn’t teach us as usual to day she gave us some task to do by group. We were given a case study where we had to select the most appropriate IS methodologies for developing any information system in AIU for student registration and hostel registration as well as preparation of exam results and present it to the higher authorities of AIU. It was terrible for me because I did not do a research. So I had no idea the first time but fortunately it was grouping work. So helped together and finally I finished it in a time.
          For my group we chose Jackson Methodology. Why we choose this this one. Let’s we see how is it and why we chose it.
Jackson Methodology is the suitable methodology for AIU. There are three basic principles for Jackson Methodology:
         Development must start with describing and modeling the real world, rather than specifying or structuring the function performed by the system.
         An adequate model of a time-ordered world must itself be time-ordered. Main aim is to map progress in the real world on progress in the system that models it.
         The way of implementing the system is based on transformation of specification into efficient set of processes.
The JSP steps in developing a program are:
        Draw a data structure for each input and output file.
        Draw a single program structure that contains program components to handle correspondences between the input and output data structures. For example: "Consume input files record; write output report line"
        Complete the program structure by adding program components to handle input and output data components that have no counterparts in other structures. For example: "Write report file summary line"
        List the operations needed by the program.
        Allocate each operation to the appropriate component of the program structure. Note that certain operations (READ operations, for example) may be allocated multiple times, to several different components of the program structure.
        Specify the conditions for iteration and selection.
        Translate the whole thing into code
 So that all for this week ……………see you then.

Week 7 different information system methodology

After had a nice holiday last week which was very nice and extremely relaxed at my hometown in Thailand. I came back to AIU on Saturday night. This week was one of the very busy weeks in this semester as I have many assignments to complete. Especially ICT group project which we had to submit in week 7. So everything were went well my group have done the project and submitted it in the class on Friday.
 This week we continued our lesson about different information system methodology. Unfortunately air-con and all electricity were not working. The class was very temperature and we could not use projector. So our lecturer decided to send us off to library to do a research. She gave us five types of information system methodology. They are
1) STRADIS ( Structured Analysis, design and implementation information system)
2) Jackson
3) SDLC (System Development Life Cycle)
4) IE (Information Engineering)
5) Prototyping
So we have to search about them we did it by group actually. And in the next class we will discuss about that. So as i said we didn't study in this week we just submit our lesson and went to library because of the electricity problem. I think  that all for this week which is week 7 so see me again next week…………………………………………bye,,,,,thank you