In the early Friday morning we were gathering at AIU library on the third floor with our lecturer. When everybody sat down our lecturer started to begin the class. Usually she started with Assalamualaikum and very good morning to everyone and also recites Al-fatihah. This is a very good way to begin the class. For today I felt something unusual because this time the environment was not like in class as there was no whiteboard or projector. It is something like we were going to have a conference. Suddenly our lecturer asked everyone to find a group which is must not same member with the previous one and one group must have three members. First I thought we are going to play some game but it is not actually. For this time we were given new project about creating Web sites with Google sites. So our lecturer gave us guides study how to create the web sites. I felt quite lazy in the first time when I heard the news. Anyway I have to do it finally and if I think positively I will get benefit from it. So for my group we decided to create the Web site about AIU pencaksilatclub and we will do our best to create it. For who interested AIU penccaksilatclub you can visit our Web sites as the link below:https://sites.google.com/site/aiupencaksilatclub/home
Ok that’s all for this week …Do not forget to visit the Web sites you are welcome….bye
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