Friday, March 23, 2012

Week 8

Now I have already past haft of this semester the time is flying meanwhile, I am walking. Normally I sleep at night and get up in the morning this is how is the life going on. So what the point of living is to get the better day than yesterday. Anyway when I look back to myself I always asking myself that am I doing my best to day?.
So in this week as I said at the last post our class has some problem so we cannot use it. In this we moved to G8 class in foundation building. So this week I was late coming class again. It was embarrass when everybody was looking at me so I just smile to all my friends and say good morning.
          When everybody was in the class our lecturer started to teach us as usual. She didn’t teach us as usual to day she gave us some task to do by group. We were given a case study where we had to select the most appropriate IS methodologies for developing any information system in AIU for student registration and hostel registration as well as preparation of exam results and present it to the higher authorities of AIU. It was terrible for me because I did not do a research. So I had no idea the first time but fortunately it was grouping work. So helped together and finally I finished it in a time.
          For my group we chose Jackson Methodology. Why we choose this this one. Let’s we see how is it and why we chose it.
Jackson Methodology is the suitable methodology for AIU. There are three basic principles for Jackson Methodology:
         Development must start with describing and modeling the real world, rather than specifying or structuring the function performed by the system.
         An adequate model of a time-ordered world must itself be time-ordered. Main aim is to map progress in the real world on progress in the system that models it.
         The way of implementing the system is based on transformation of specification into efficient set of processes.
The JSP steps in developing a program are:
        Draw a data structure for each input and output file.
        Draw a single program structure that contains program components to handle correspondences between the input and output data structures. For example: "Consume input files record; write output report line"
        Complete the program structure by adding program components to handle input and output data components that have no counterparts in other structures. For example: "Write report file summary line"
        List the operations needed by the program.
        Allocate each operation to the appropriate component of the program structure. Note that certain operations (READ operations, for example) may be allocated multiple times, to several different components of the program structure.
        Specify the conditions for iteration and selection.
        Translate the whole thing into code
 So that all for this week ……………see you then.

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